Unbiased News

 In Blog

After 40 + years of receiving the Ventura County Star I’m seriously thinking of cancelling my subscription. When I read the paper whenever possible, I expect to see two sides to every story. This has not been happening.

FYI, I’m a lifelong moderate democratic and have never missed voting in an election. I consider myself a color blind person and believe all people should be treated fairly.

The Star articles, and, opinions are continuously left progressive. The reporting has gone over the top with social injustice, BLM, and how justified the protesters were destroying property and pulling down historic statues. There was also no mention of the protesters spreading the Covid-19 virus. Are the Star reporters blind?

I believe BLM. I believe all lives matter. It appears that the Star believes BLM only when police officers or other than black people are involved. Last week I read countless articles about BLM and during the entire week there was one short column about 12 people (assuming gang related minorities) being shot and killed over the weekend in Chicago. Wouldn’t it be great if all the BLM protesters went to Chicago and walked the streets trying to prevent additional murders? I would go with them.


Even the sports section is filled with progressive articles about the need for pro sports to hire more minority coaches. Don’t you think it would be right for pro club owners to hire the best and most capable people to run their organizations? Why does the Star find it necessary to write pressure articles advocating minority coaching? Dr. King in one of his very wonderful speeches said “people should be judged by their character not the color of their skin.”

If the Star keeps the types of reporting you will lose me and many of my friends. All we want is fair reporting without a progressive agenda.