I’m Mad AS Hell

 In Blog

I’m Mad, at the news media. I along with most Americans, believe the death of George Floyd was a terrible tragedy. The offending police officer was fired and arrested. What he did was terrible.

Then the angry protest started and, the news media, including our local paper the  VC Star fueled that anger, and frustration that turned to violence by talking and writing about social injustice in America. While watching the protest turn to violence, arson fires, breaking and entering, I must have heard the talking media heads say a thousand times “they are angry, that’s why they are doing what they are doing.”

The news media knows that sin is news and virtue is not. That is why they fuel the anger by justifying the violent protest.

I believe that black lives matter. I believe all lives matter. If people want to be get angry, they should be angry that in 2019 there were 191 homicides in the city of Chicago. Most were African Americans. If they want to be angry they should be angry that in 2019 there were 147 police officers killed in the line of duty.

The media also had many comments about the 1st amendment right of free speech. While protesters were face to face with police officers yelling profanity at them, calling them every dirty name in the book, degrading their families and their mothers, the media just kept on saying it’s their 1st amendment rights. No it is not.

I don’t recall the news media mention that police officers risk their lives on a daily basis for people that they don’t even know.

Police officers deal with criminals who’s only intent is to kill them and often they are out gunned

A simple traffic stop or family dispute call can lead to a life and death situation.

They won’t like many of the things they will see, or many of the things they will have to do,

but, they know that they are helping someone in desperate need

For their entire career, their efforts will revolve around helping people.

When have you heard that in the news media.