Fire Service Where Character Counts

 In Articles
Our character counts every day of the year, but during CHARACTER COUNTS! Week we’re challenging you to positively impact others.
Below are a few easy and positive things you can do this week. Keep this email handy so that you can look back at it each day.
Random Act of Kindness
A small act of kindness can make someone’s day. Try to complete at least one random act of kindness on Sunday. Here are a few ideas.
  • Do yard work for someone in need
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line
  • Buy a gift card for someone who is struggling
  • Give up your seat for someone else
Support Your Community
Our communities are better places when we all pitch in. Here are a few ideas on how you can help your community this week.
  • Clean up your neighborhood
  • Give blood
  • Organize a food or book drive
  • Donate food to a food bank
Show Appreciation
Everyone needs to feel appreciated, and it can be easy to forget to share our gratitude with others. How can you show your appreciation to someone this week?
  • Tell a role model that you appreciate them
  • Give a compliment
  • Send notes of appreciation to military members
  • Write a thank you letter to someone who taught you something valuable
Connect with Others
Connecting with others helps us be more understanding and accepting of differences. Who can you learn more about this week?
  • Reconnect with an old friend and share a memory
  • Call a family member
  • Send a positive message to five different people
  • Leave a note of encouragement for a co-worker
Focus on teh Little Things
It doesn’t take much time or effort to make a difference. Imagine how much we impact the world when all of our small good deeds are added together.
  • Give someone your complete attention
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Hold the door open for a stranger
  • Learn the names of people you see every day
Give Your Time and Attention
Even when you feel too busy, taking a moment to give your time and attention can make a meaningful impact on someone. Here are a few ideas you could try this week.
  • Read a book to a child
  • Take a walk with a friend
  • Show up to events that are important to your friends and family
  • Have a family game night
Go Above and Beyond
Let’s end CHARACTER COUNTS! Week by going above and beyond for others.
  • Leave a generous tip for your server
  • Leave a book for someone else to read
  • Do extra chores at home to help out the rest of your family
  • When you put your grocery cart away, return a cart for an older person or a busy parent
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