Fire Service Succession Planning

 In Articles


 Fire Departments throughout the country are facing personnel recruitment, development, promotion and leadership succession issues. This Succession Plan Strategy should be considered a starting point to meet this challenge. Succession planning is not a short-term policy or program decision.

The objective of most departments is to develop personnel for internal promotional opportunities and look outside the organization only if highly qualified promotional candidates are not available from within.

There are six specific areas of Succession Planning that Departments need to address and act on to insure that there are qualified candidates at all levels of the organization. The following is an outline of those areas and the core action items that should be accomplished. All positions require training, skills, certifications, education, or other development items that might not be within the department leaders’ abilities or time requirements to develop and train.

Outreach and Recruitment Program

There is a highly competitive market for the recruitment and retention of qualified, competent and confident Firefighter Paramedics. Departments need to develop and implement a plan to recruit, train, and retain qualified candidates for hire.

Action Plan

  1. Establish a County Fire Chiefs’ committee for Diversity Outreach and Recruitment.
  2. Establish a Reserve/Volunteer FF/Paramedic Mentoring Program.
  3. Establish partnerships with local Community Colleges to assist in marketing fire and EMS career paths.
  4. Develop and implement a media plan to assist potential candidates understand where, when and how to find job opportunities.
  5. Establish and implement fire and EMS career path information to all local High Schools.
  6. Provide Career Development Seminar to all Reserve/Volunteer Firefighters.
  7. Develop a promotional testing preparation program for those who want to promote.

Engineer or Driver Succession Plan

Firefighter and Firefighter Paramedics require career planning and support to ensure they are competitive, confident and competent in their driver/operator skills to provide a qualified candidate pool for Fire Engineer/ Driver positions.

Action Plan

  1. Provide program and project opportunities to develop skills in research, writing, oral communications, team building and delegation.
  2. Provide driving and pumping skill development opportunities.
  3. Provide Career Development Seminars which include shop classes instructed by Department shop staff and work towards providing Driver Operator Training Courses
  4. Identify and implement a professional development seminar series via the local community college or other means.
  5. Develop and implement a Peer Mentor program for newly promoted Engineers/Drivers.

Captain Succession Plan

Fire Captain Candidates require specialized training and support to ensure they are familiar with and confident in fire ground command, leadership, and the management of teams. Additionally, these candidates need to develop program research, development and implementation skills and have a working knowledge of budget development and management.

Action Plan

  1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of all candidates.
  2. Assist candidates in Career Plan development to maximize their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Provide counseling from Training Division to include review of applicant education and experience.
  3. Provide project and program opportunities to enhance candidate’s abilities and confidence in leadership, team management, program development and management.
  4. Identify and implement a professional development seminar series through the local Community College or from inside or outside the department.
  5. Develop and implement a Peer Mentor program for newly promoted Captains.
  6. Provide periodic Assessment Center (including Fire and situational) training.
  7. Program to be developed that utilizes instructors to provide seminars on topics such as mentoring, fire simulator, and interview skills.

Battalion Chief Succession Plan

Battalion Chief Candidates require skills that provide them the potential to become Division Chiefs with a high probability of success in leadership, administration and management. Operational skills are also important; however a balance of operational and administrative skills is required.

Action Plan

  1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of all candidates.
  2. Assist candidates in Career Plan development to maximize their strengths and improve their weaknesses.
  3. Provide “Stretch Project” opportunities that include multiple priorities and graduated complexity of issues.
  4. Identify and implement a professional development seminar series through the local community college or by inside or outside the department trainers.
  5. Develop and implement a Peer Mentor program for newly promoted Battalion Chiefs.
  6. Provide periodic Assessment Center (including fire simulator and situational) Training.
  7. Depending on size of candidate pool consider Divisional Rotation plan to ensure all candidates have an opportunity in the Administrative Division.

Division Chief Succession Plan

Division Chief Candidates should have the aspiration to compete for the Fire Chief position or have the desire to become a Fire Chief in another jurisdiction. These persons require a high level of self motivation, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills. Proven leadership, administrative, management and operational skills are required to be competitive.

Action Plan

  1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of all candidates.
  2. Assist candidates in Career Plan development to maximize their strengths and improve their weaknesses.
  3. Provide “Stretch Project” opportunities that develop confidence and competency in team development, multiple program management, inter/intra agency coordination, public speaking, and program/project development and administration.
  4. Identify and implement a professional development seminar series through the local community college or by inside or outside the department trainers.
  5. Develop and implement a Peer Mentor program for newly promoted Division Chiefs.
  6. Depending on size of candidate pool consider Divisional Rotation plan to ensure all candidates have an opportunity in the Administrative Division.

Fire Chief Succession Plan

Fire Chief Candidates need a full set of skills including diplomacy, regional and state-wide contacts in emergency services, the ability to recognize and adapt to a change in operational or administrative conditions, and be a visible and accessible resource within the department and the community. Additionally these candidates require proven and extremely effective leadership, management, administrative and organizational abilities.

Action Plan

  1. Identify candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Assist candidates in Career Plan development.
  3. Encourage candidates’ involvement in local, regional, and state wide committees and functions.
  4. Provide “Stretch Projects” that are truly upper management level.
  5. Assist candidates in developing a tailored educational development program to ensure their success as a fire chief